Blog | Dave Fornell, DAIC Editor | Cath Lab| March 16, 2021
Coronary Lithotripsy May Become a Paradigm Shift in the Cath Lab
The Shockwave intravascular lithotripsy system produces a flash of light as it releases a sonic shockwave, as seen here as it is about to shatter a gypsum bead during a TCT 2019 demonstration at the vendor s booth. The technology combines a miniaturized lithotripsy system with a low-pressure balloon catheter to expand peripheral or coronary arteries without causing vessel trauma. Photo by Dave Fornell
After covering cardiovascular technologies for 14 years, it is rare that I find a new technology that might actually be a paradigm shift in cardiology. Most new devices I see are just refined iterations of existing devices, or the vendor added a new button or set of measurement tools. However, I do occasionally find a true gem while sitting in on hours of new technology sessions at conferences, or while wandering the expo floors.