Budget 2021’s careful approach to spending and strong fiscal anchors will mean more investment in priority areas like health care and economic recovery.
Budget 2021: Maintaining support for the vulnerable | Budget 2021 : Continuer de soutenir les Albertains et Albertaines vulnérables
Budget 2021 continues to provide critical social supports for children, families, seniors and vulnerable Albertans to help them through the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Children’s Services
The safety and well-being of children, youth and families remains a top priority. Budget 2021 includes a $56-million increase for a total of $345 million to the Alberta Child and Family Benefit, a cash payment that helps low-income parents.
Budget 2021 also provides a $15-million increase to support at-risk children and families, excluding COVID-19 spending in 2020-21.
Budget 2021 address
Read the speech delivered by Finance Minister Travis Toews to introduce the provincial government s 2021 budget.
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Check against delivery
Mr. Speaker, I rise today to present Budget 2021 to this House.
It is a budget that is focused on what matters most today – on health care and on jobs.
Today marks the first in a series of one-year anniversaries for Alberta that are unlike any other in this province’s history.
Today, and in the weeks and months to come, we will pass the one-year mark of unprecedented events that have shaken our province, our country, and the world – and continue to test our collective resolve.
Feb 25, 2021
Budget 2021: Protecting lives and livelihoods | Budget 2021 : Protéger la vie et le gagne-pain des Albertains et Albertaines
Budget 2021 protects Albertans’ lives and livelihoods with a significant investment in health care while positioning the province for economic recovery with a continued focus on the efficient delivery of government services.
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Historic investment in health care
Budget 2021 will set aside a $1.25-billion contingency to fight COVID-19. Almost $900 million will be added to Health’s base budget to reduce surgical wait times, increase continuing care, and home care capacity.
President of Treasury Board and Minister of Finance Travis Toews issued the following statement on the agreement between nurses and Alberta Health Services to provide additional COVID-related supports and delay bargaining until March 31, 2021: