The tech-backed project, which launched its pilot on exclusively for NFT holders, reunites the iconic show’s stars, including Jon Heder, who voices Cyko KO, Tina Majorino, Jon Gries, Efren Ramirez, and Haylie Duff.
Emmy Award-winning production company All That's Good Productions has released an official teaser for its new culturally diverse and educational animated children's series for all ages, inspired by one of Philadelphia's first viral animal stars.
Pro esports players Hector ‘H3cz’ Rodriguez and Seth ‘Scump’ Abner allege the company violated federal antitrust laws by coercing players and team owners to compete under ‘extortionate financial terms’ at the threat of exclusion from the Activision CoD league.
Executive producer Craig Schulz, director Raymond S. Persi, and co-writer Robb Armstrong discuss the latest ‘Snoopy Presents’ special in the storied franchise, which tells the backstory of one of the most beloved members of the “gang;” the show debuts February 16 on Apple TV+.
The paid children’s entertainment streaming app for licensed content, interactive videos/games, and popular Nickelodeon titles will no longer accept new subscriptions; big name titles, such as Nick Jr.’s ‘Blue’s Clues’ and ‘Dora the Explorer,’ will now be hosted at Paramount+.