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trigger because he feared for his life? here is the law. let s put it on the screen in florida. a person is justified in the use of deadly force and does not have a duty to retreat if he reasonably believes such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself. trayvon martin is not alive to say otherwise? exactly, but you have medical records that come in. he came in fractured nose, multiple cuts and he has been consistent about his story. he said screaming for help, trayvon martin is pounding my head against the pavement. that is where the fractured nose came from and multiple cuts. gregg: how about that. trayvon a martin is not with us. gregg: it s going to be one story to tell at the time of trial. he pursued him and after being told by the police to go back to the car he still
julie, thanks very much. gregg: roughly 24 hours from the beginning of george zimmerman s murder trial, jury selection beginning tomorrow morning as the judge still considers allowing voice recognition analysis from a chilling 911 call made the night trayvon martin was killed. [ larry ] younow throughout history,
testify. you are talking about three seconds. a normally speaking voice is definitely. if i start yelling, yeah, how can you tell when it s that elevated. gregg: and it sounds like janette s when you did that. gregg: voice recognition, it s never admissible as evidence and prosecution s expert relied on a mathematical computer program. he a history major. he doesn t know the first thing about the algorithm underlying his own program? that is true, however, this is the age of audio technology. i truly believe that it s the crux of the facts of this case. what do we have to rely on who said what and what happened prior to the murder of trayvon martin. gregg: the case is invariably is going to come down to this. did zimmerman pull the
but the problem is a she is biased the girlfriend of the amending victim and b she has serious credibility problems. significant. if she has been arrested may not come in but certainly convictions if she has had trouble with the law before. that is information because it s the crux of her veracity. gregg: the challenge for the defense to show zimmerman did not profile trayvon martin because of the color of his skin but rather that he saw something suspicious? even if you remove the issue of race and whether or not the color of the skin but the young man was walking along innocently and he was pursued. if you listen to the 911 tape, he played the entire tape. he doesn t say i see a black youth, it s the 9/11 operator, what does he look like. i think he is white, he could be hispanic, he could