The killing of Trayvon Martin a baby-faced, hoodie-wearing, unarmed youth at the hands of a stranger still reverberates 10 years later: in protest, in partisanship, in racial reckoning and reactionary response, in social justice and social media.
The killing of Trayvon Martin at the hands of a stranger still reverberates 10 years later in protest, in partisanship, in racial reckoning and reactionary.
The killing of Trayvon Martin at the hands of a stranger still reverberates 10 years later in protest, in partisanship, in racial reckoning and reactionary.
NEW YORK Trayvon Martin's final night began with a convenience store run, a quick trip for candy and something to drink. It ended in a confrontation with a neighborhood watch volunteer, a shot fired, the 17-year-old dead on the street.