EAST ST. LOUIS - Chester Mental Health Center admissions and discharge coordinator Angela Kongeal deserves trial on claims that her employers didn’t accommodate her disabilities, Chief U.S. District Judge Nancy Rosenstengel ruled on Feb. 12.
EAST ST. LOUIS – Assistant Attorney General Tara Barnett of Fairview Heights ended the state’s long struggle to pay sanctions to Carbondale lawyer Shari Rhode on July 27.
EAST ST. LOUIS – Chester mental health managers requested another extension of time to pay Carbondale lawyer Shari Rhode a $1,350 sanction they’ve owed her since October and a $2,250 sanction they’ve owed her since February.
EAST ST. LOUIS – Lawyer Martin Plute no longer works for Illinois attorney general Kwame Raoul, according to a substitution motion in a suit against Chester mental health hospital.