if we were even going to the right place. keith morrison : travis was in the lead car which included detectives nash gurule and jaclyn shaklee. detective jaclyn shaklee: it was really quiet for the first like five or ten minutes. and he was sitting right next to me. well, i had an aircast on my foot because i had a running injury. he looked down and he said, what did you do to your foot and i said, its a stress fracture from running. keith morrison : and that got travis talking about running marathons, movies, food, all sorts of things. detective jaclyn shaklee: and obviously we were talking about whatever he wanted to talk about to keep his cooperation, but i have to remember that he i have a monster sitting next to me and just playing it up. we had to get to that body. we wanted to know where she was and bring her home to her family. detective nash gurule: then we started getting closer, he starts getting a little bit more quiet. we drive out to the site next to a little grove of tr
detective jaclyn shaklee: and so i laid out what had happened, some of the evidence that we had found. detective nash gurule: he set the place on fire and he used bleach on her, around the house. detective jaclyn shaklee: and he was silent on the other end of the phone. and then finally he said, oh, my god. detective nash gurule: and she said, what do you think? and i said, i think its him. detective jaclyn shaklee: i get chills now talking about it because it was- - it was quite the moment. keith morrison : who was travis forbes, a serial offender hunting women? was he hunting another even now? the two detectives were convinced of it. but as badly as they wanted to lock him away, they just did not have sufficient evidence. so travis was a free man, roaming fort collins at will and at night. keith morrison : dateline returns after the break.
for the missing car and then travis forbes. so my lieutenant said, grab your search warrant for his dna and head to texas. so i hop a plane that night. reporter: a few hours later gurule was face to face with travis forbes again. you know what? they sent me to texas because they think you re running to mexico. i was thinking of mexico. and you he d call me nash. i d call him travis. it was similar to you and i just talking. i wasn t confrontational with him. if he asked me a question i d give him an honest answer. one of the questions he asked me on one of the interviews i did with him, he said, what do you think of me? i said i think you re a creep. i think you re a jerk. i think you re a monster. how did he respond to that? he just looked at me and said, yeah, you re probably right.
of strange. whatever. reporter: then a few days later monica s bakery was crawling with cops. when the police showed up, i thought, wow, that must be that missing girl. reporter: detectives looked around, even shot this video of the place. but they didn t find much. travis was there. so they took him downtown for questioning. travis, this is detective gurule. how s it going? travis. he s a talker. very, very charming. very manipulative. i never met her before then reporter: and talk travis did. reciting the very same story he told tony lee, about picking up a lost and distressed kenia downtown. then stopping for cigarettes at that gas station. where she met another man, who said he d take her home. she put her arm through his arm. like while they were while they were sitting there smoking. and they walked off.
reporter: gurule tracked down the young man from the apartment lobby, and he admitted dancing with kenia at the club and showing her his loft. but she left right away, he said. the video confirmed it. he was cleared. so that left only two possible suspects the mysterious man at the gas station and travis forbes. i did not. reporter: and apparently, travis was feeling the heat. i ve man. reporter: so out of the blue he decided to go public. you know, the truth is all we have. reporter: he went on camera with a denver tv station. i mean, it s been two weeks. nobody s heard from her. there s been no trace of her. like it s it s surreal. i don t even know what to think of it. since you re a person of interest, let me ask you this.