their suv flipped over a guardrail and plunged 60 feet to the ground. susan candiotti is standing by now. do they know what exactly happened, susan? reporter: don, they don t, this was a beautiful, sunny sunday afternoon and then something went terribly, terribly wrong. this suv as you mentioned, driven off a bridge. police say it was driven by a woman 45 years old. there was another woman in the car as well as an elderly couple, and three children, ages 5, 15 and 3, all of them wearing seat belts. but for some reason, this woman travelering south, in the left-hand lane for some reason lost control of their car, they don t know exactly how fast she was going hit the median concrete barrier only about three feet high. according to witnesses overcompensated, may a sharp left-hand turn and went sailing across three lanes and going 60 feet into the air and then 60 feet down. the car landed, turned over, it was crushed. an awful accident described as horrific by veteran investig