See. Thanks. The Guided by the county resort Association o.c. Are providing the you re a community and visitors with services and information the visitor center is located at the entrance to the you re a hot springs pool your a county resort Association a k u r e a supporter. Been adding the. Thing going to. The. Something good. News. Mom. Something going. Wrong. There on the. News coming. From. Me. Going to. Come. Something. Strange. Coming. This train. Coming. Back again. To. Be in the news. It s. The end. Long to. Come. Now I didn t cry. More. On the. Coming. Week. Very. Come to. These things. Over. Ulla me. I ve. Led. You. Support for k u r a comes from San Juan accounting Certified Public Accountants and advisers 62644464 all your tax and accounting needs c.p.a. At San Juan accounting dot com San Juan accounting aka you are a supporter. Luck
You re a Colorado support for k u r a is provided by Orvis Hot Springs located a mile south of Ridgeway on hire a 550 offering a natural clothing optional soaking experience with their garden of eden open 9 am to 10 pm daily Campeon massage and daily use 626-5324 Orvis Hot Springs. Supporter support for k u r e comes from your a brewery 3 levels of dining 6 craft beers brewed and available onsite conferences meetings and private parties welcome 607 Main Street in your way for more information 970-325-7388 or w w w dot you re a brewery dot com You re a brewery a case you are a supporter. A Support for it is provided by the. Locally on and operated for over 40 years for more information. In a dot com You re a chalet in. The Earth. C a supporter. Mary . My. Age or are you. Married. Or why. I why. Why that. War. Or war or. You re. Married or or. 8 during. The war or. Point where I had wit. To. War. With the. # BUSY can t you can t you can t complain. Some recent. Just. Can t. I wante
The be. Radio the now great stuff love a bit of Blondie America. Will do it again for you tomorrow can you believe tomorrow is Friday an Emmy everybody this time of the Gays can you believe but really. I mean if you tomorrow. Somebody through until midday today will play on b.b.c. Introducing track for you Mike pole our finance expert will be in with top advice about how to take the sting out of Christmas a bit and also you know once you get into the new year and so on just a way of just having a look at our finances to see if we can ease them off a little bit Michael being a little while you can if you got to concerns or thought. Then you can always get in touch with Mike 080-810-1049 now over the last few weeks I ve been visiting various different places that have won an award on the last environmental volunteer awards 2019 where Mayflower primary school in Leicester won a gold award for the best school garden when I went to chat to the children and some of the teachers at the sch
Are currently even councils are veiled that it ll pay around $125000.00 pounds for hosting its leg of the 2 a day Yorkshire which really the start or end in red Con next spring it s also applying for funding from the source says it hopes the event could bring a $3000000.00 pound boost to the local economy it wants the right to raise the profile of the bar and encourage people to be more active and this year s Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square hasn t been greeted with unbridled festive joy it s one you will get from Norway but some people have expressed concern that the spruce is a little thinner than normal one comment on social media describe it as the most anemic trade possible some people in Trafalgar Square this morning a great bit sad actually should have a. Gorgeous full tree but this is well I think it s fun and I think once I put some decoration assume that decorating it it will be lovely it s a tree of a forest some of them look like that is what a real tree looks like you k
Absolutely well we got a little Yorkshire terrier actually does talk to us on a regular basis your dog goes to all we have a conversation all right Ok how does it sound well I mean our. Dog. I think it s only 300 it s got a kind of lady accent because we live not far away lady I mean for instance how would it sound if we had the typical conversation would be I say Kenzie should go for a walk and then the dog would say I m not really bothered to be honest with the other brother stay at home to put me off or whatever yeah it s not such an envoy Yeah I m going to cockapoo she s called had a she s a girl she sounds a bit like he ll So I come in that go hi Teddy and she go Oh Mom please God you know that kind of go for a walk you know she s a bit. Like leaving the phone even to the in the room there s a bit like about the reason that we re doing this on talk about this is the model you know because they ve done some research and so dog owners who believe that their pets understand what the