advisory list. people coming into chicago from those states who are not vaccinated are asked to quarantine or tested upon arrival. it typically draws 100,000 people per day for the four-day. if they can police whether are vaccinated, not vaccinated or wearing masks as well. dana: isn t there a heat wave as well? i think it s around 92 degrees now. the temperatures are expected to cool a little bit tomorrow. it is certainly something that city officials and event organizers are watching because people might be imbibing a little bit at the music festival. dana: stay hydrated. that s the key. bill: thanks. enjoy it and keep it safe. now before we go, dana.
Some airports now have rapid COVID-19 tests available to travelers. (Shutterstock)
CHICAGO Indiana has been bumped up a tier on Chicago s COVID-19 restricted travel list. Unvaccinated people traveling from Indiana to Chicago will have to quarantine for ten days or test negative for coronavirus three days before entering beginning this Friday.
Indiana has been on the city s travel list before, but now will move up from the yellow tier to the orange tier due to surging COVID-19 cases in the state, according to a statement from the Chicago Department of Public Health.
There are 18 other orange states as well as Puerto Rico where travelers must meet emergency travel guidelines before returning to Chicago. If a traveler received their final vaccine dose two weeks prior, that person will be exempt from the travel restrictions.
In a world where logging onto Zoom five minutes after waking up counts as full attendance, the hybrid model has given students the best of both worlds: they can see friends and teachers in person twice a week while continuing to attend school in pajama bottoms three days a week.
However, some students periodically choose to opt out of the in-person meet-and-greet by using the Absent In-Person Present Online (APO) attendance code option, meant for precautionary reasons to limit the spread of COVID-19. Although the APO option can only be used for up to ten consecutive days before a student must become a distance learner, it does not negatively impact attendance if used for under ten consecutive days.