incomplete leak. incomplete leak. it s a shame because there are legitimate questions about trump s connections to russia, alleged ker ed connections, he there aren t any, that members of congress have been investigating. could this be obscured because of this? journalists go by what they know and what they can discover and usually with two sources that s credible. is there any reason to believe that this packet of stuff, this so-called dossier, distributed around for obvious political purposes is true? at this point, there s to reason to believe that and we re told, actually, by intelligence sources that most of it s been debunked. when who do you think put it out? do we know who was pushing this story? pushing this 35-page memo around that got to buzzfeed? yeah. we confirmed that a former mi-6 british intelligence officer who worked for a private firm was involved and was hired to do this and was talking to russian sources and repeating stories that he heard from russian
tonight on hardball, we bring you a special report right now on the stories that broke last night. as well as the president-elect s reaction to those reports today. the idea is to examine the relationship between the press in this country and the people in power who they cover. in his press conference today, president-elect donald trump criticized the website, buzzfeed, and also singled out c cnn. provoked a heated exchange with jim acosta of kcnn who attempte to ask a question. here s what happened. i think it s a disgrace that information that was false and fake and never happened got released to the public. as far as buzzfeed, which is a failing pile of garbage, writing it, i think they re going to suffer the consequences. they already are. and as far as cnn, going out of their way to build it up, it s a disgrace and ai think they ough
i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you re totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit i don t even think this is fake news. i think it s just fake. i would take the news word right out of it. the buzzfeed memo is total complete garbage. i want to bring your attention to a few points on the prort published in buzzfeed last night. it s frankly outrageous and highly irresponsible for a left-wing blog that was openly hostile to the president-elect s campaign to drop highly salacious and flat out false information on the internet just days before he takes the oath of office. welcome back. those were some of the president-elect s closest allies condemning buzzfeed, the news organization, for their decision to release that 35-page dossier
the supporters who came out and voted and put him there. they love to see this. donald trump doesn t lose anything, chris, you know this, by going after the media. to sort of show that as president, he is not changing, he s still the same donald trump, he s still going to go after, you know, cnn and buzzfeed and media outlets that he doesn t like. that essentially scores him brownie points with the people who want to see him be combative like that. now, flip side, and i noticed you played some of these sound bites right at the beginning of this segment, chris, at the same time, he complimented the media. you had his incoming press secretary, even vice president-elect pimike pence coming out with tough talk against reporters and sort of hundreds of journalists seated in front of them in the room and donald trump came out and praised some of those members of the media. even during the questioning, right, some questions he dismissed as being, you knows, he didn t say dumb or stupid but th
to apologize to start with. mr. president-elect go ahead. go ahead. since you re attacking our news organization not you, not you. your organization is terrible. you re attacking our news organization. can yoo you give us a chance to ask a go ahead. she s asking a question. don t be rude. don t be no, i m not going to give you a question. i m not going to give you a question. you are fake news. it should be noted nbc universal is an investor i the website, buzzfeed. we got that on the record. trump also took a moment to praise other outlets that showed more discretion in what they published yesterday. here s trump on that point. i want to thank a lot of the news organizations for some of whom have not treated me very well over the years, a couple in particular, and they came out so strongly against that fake news and the fact that it was written about by primarily one group and one television station.