then i should note that michael avenatti was here as well today. he s telling us he may bring stormy daniels here. you may have michael cohen here, michael avenatti and then stormy daniels all here together probably for the first time on monday afternoon. accident in question around. i know you re working your sources. also tonight, sources tell cnn that president trump is angrier than ever to the point where he s flailing around and becoming even more unmanageable. fury growing as his fired fbi director is out selling his provocative new tell all book. the white house is escalating its attacks on james comey in response to the allegations. the president is facing plenty of new questions of his own after he pardoned a key official from the george w. bush administration.
an action that democrats believe is a signal to witnesses cooperating in the russia investigation. at the white house a steady series of insults for former fbi director james comey. the american people see through the blatant lies of a self-admitted leaker. this is nothing more than a poorly executed pr stunt to rehabilitate his tattered reputation and enrich his own bank account by peddling a bargain book instead of become remembered as a dedicated ser vants like so many of his colleagues. he s be known as a disgraced partisan hack that broke his sacred trust with the president of the united states. reporter: sarah sanders channelled a furious president trump who is said to be out ranled over the flow of damaging antedotes. i never thought these words would come out of my mouth. i don t know if the current president of the united states
pageant and the russians filmed the episode and hedefensively a talking about do i look like a guy who needs hookers. reporter: he doesn t need to pay for women strike ng the face of the latest allegations of infidelity he s facing. he tried to pay me after we had an intimate. i did not know how to take that. did he try to hand you money in. he did. i just had this look of i don t know how to describe it. the look on my face must have been so sad because i had never before offered money like that number one and number two i thought does he think i m in this for money or why i m here tonight or is this a normal thing. i didn t know. reporter: by comey s telling he couldn t get over the claim that he invited russian prostitutes to his moscow suite
of former cia agent whose husband joe wilson tried to sound the alarm about the faulty case used wi the george w. bush administration. my personal sense is i didn t think any contempt for donald trump could go lower but he surprises me each and every day. reporter: it s an odd move for the president given his past comments about the bush administration during the campaign. you call it whatever you want. i want to tell you, they lied. they said there were weapons of mass destruction. there were none and they knew there were none. there were no weapons of mass destructi destruction. reporter: libby s attorney and her husband recently considered joining the president s legal team in the russia investigation. also a fierce critic of robert mueller s investigation slamming comey. james comey is a dirty cop. he s a completely dirty cop. reporter: and deputy attorney general rod rosenstein who oversees the russia probe. rod rosenstein is so incomp
tent, compromised and conflicted that he can no longer serve as the deputy attorney general and jeff sessions has an obligation to the president of the united states to fire rod rosenstein. reporter: democrats are accusing the president of using the libby pardon to send a signal to witnesses cooperating. i think it does telegraph what he will probably do with flynn and manafort and using his pardon power. he doesn t use it in most discreet way. he does it for political purposes and cover his people. reporter: white house insi insisted there s no connection. one thing has nothing to do with the other. reporter: given all the white house attacks for james comey for being a liar and a leaker it s worth noting that scooter libby was convicted of lying. that s a level of apparent hypocrisy that many americans