Todays broadwast please silence all cell phones and electronic devices. [inaudible] submit today the clerk. Items will appear on the november 3 board of supervisors agenda. The first item is sponsored by supervisor compose [inaudible] 350 university street as a land mark under planic code article 10. I believe we have Shannon Ferguson from the Planning Department to present on this item here today to present on the proposaled laland mark designation of University Mound old ladies located at 350 university street. [inaudible] supported by tall slender columns in a sumestically composed facade [inaudible] of the colonial revival style. It also represents the work of master architects martin j [inaudible] best know for 1930s art deco style psychopathic ward at San Francisco hospital. It is few of the high style colonial institutional buildings in San Francisco. The building in the interior principle [inaudible] include the living room, dinning room and chapel sur vive with the relatively
Settlement agreement is a Public Document and will be posted to the commissions website at the regular meeting on october 26, 2015, the Ethics Commission go approved the ethics case and this Settlement Agreement is a Public Document will be posted to the commissions website. Turning to item 10 do i hear a motion as to whether or not we should disclose what was discussed in connection with item 10. Move to nondisclosure. Any public discussion nun being present ill all in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Motion is approved unanimously i will entertain a motion to adjourn. All in favor, say i. I. The meeting is adjourned use Transportation Committee occurring on october 26, 2015 will begin shortly. Good afternoon. I want to welcome you to the regular meet ofg land use and transportation. My name is malia cohen and the chair the committee and to the right is Supervisor Scott Wiener and jane kim will join us. I like to thank sf gov tv, jim smith and [inaudible] to asest with todays broadwast plea
And [inaudible] to asest with todays broadwast please silence all cell phones and Electronic Devices. [inaudible] submit today the clerk. Items will appear on the november 3 board of supervisors agenda. The first item is sponsored by supervisor compose [inaudible] 350 university street as a land mark under planic code article 10. I believe we have Shannon Ferguson from the Planning Department to present on this item here today to present on the proposaled laland mark designation of University Mound old ladies located at 350 university street. [inaudible] supported by tall slender columns in a sumestically composed facade [inaudible] of the colonial revival style. It also represents the work of master architects martin j [inaudible] best know for 1930s art deco style psychopathic ward at San Francisco hospital. It is few of the high style colonial institutional buildings in San Francisco. The building in the interior principle [inaudible] include the living room, dinning room and chapel
Not part of the allocation request. But some of the things we were thinking of were pedestrian signaling and cross streets and bike network and we were told the primary focus of the request was for the signal lights but mta would look as to whether or not these items would be able to follow. And regarding the Equity Project and specifics primarily how they plan to engage riders from cultural backgrounds and padilla expanded the details quite well and we are quite happy with the resulting discussion we had with that. A couple of things in our new business that i want to bring to your attention. One was the mission bra bay project held up in court and the rail yard fees ability study. I just want to mention that was brought up in the Public Comment and that planning is going to be coming to the tas in january or february to discuss that with us. Thats the update. Thank you for your report. I know its short. In light of the holidays we had to have another program meet today. Thank you ver
Supervisors agenda. The first item is sponsored by supervisor compose [inaudible] 350 university street as a land mark under planic code article 10. I believe we have Shannon Ferguson from the Planning Department to present on this item here today to present on the proposaled laland mark designation of University Mound old ladies located at 350 university street. [inaudible] supported by tall slender columns in a sumestically composed facade [inaudible] of the colonial revival style. It also represents the work of master architects martin j [inaudible] best know for 1930s art deco style psychopathic ward at San Francisco hospital. It is few of the high style colonial institutional buildings in San Francisco. The building in the interior principle [inaudible] include the living room, dinning room and chapel sur vive with the relatively few alterations. In 2014 a nearby residence submitted a land mark designation application [inaudible] the Historic Preservation commission added the old