Alberto, could you call the roll please. roll call supervisor peskin could you please call the next item . Item two, an information item citizens advisory report. Good morning chair peskin and vice chair tang and members of the Transportation Authority. I will be presenting the report today. Starting with item five on the agenda, approval for allocation of appropriation of propk funds, but there were concerns about the lack of lighting on bayshore, cesar chavez, potreto and if the project budget could be increased. There was discussion about the muni tracks that fit the market being in Poor Condition and the bart grades presenting a hazard as well that inquires course coordination with bart to remedy. With regard to item 6, the approval of the expenditure for clean air program, in particular appreciate the c02 reduction even though its not criteria for the chief sca. A major item of discussion related to an item that may be coming before you at your upcoming february 27th meeting, the
Supervisor peskin could you please call the next item . Item two, an information item citizens advisory report. Good morning chair peskin and vice chair tang and members of the Transportation Authority. I will be presenting the report today. Starting with item five on the agenda, approval for allocation of appropriation of propk funds, but there were concerns about the lack of lighting on bayshore, cesar chavez, potreto and if the project budget could be increased. There was discussion about the muni tracks that fit the market being in Poor Condition and the bart grades presenting a hazard as well that inquires course coordination with bart to remedy. With regard to item 6, the approval of the expenditure for clean air program, in particular appreciate the c02 reduction even though its not criteria for the chief sca. A major item of discussion related to an item that may be coming before you at your upcoming february 27th meeting, the quint gerald connection road. There was concern ove
Supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee we have quorum okay. Please call item 2. Item 2 chairs recorded an informational item. Colleagues earlier today we healed held our annual building of the new agency i want to congratulate supervisor jane kim that will chair and supervisor christensen will serve and vice chair the project is many innovative opportunities to model new ways of doing business for Sustainable Transportation i look forward to partnering with tide and mta the various ferry operators over the coming years to make sure that Treasure Island has a very very successful Transportation Future id like to express your appreciation to bart for delivering Outstanding Services for the Golden State Warriors parade primarily figures over 4 hundred and 50 thousand riders used bart the second highest richd and ridership the top spot is for the ignites for 2012 we know how critical bart is to our regional and the system is straining under the pressure of increased ridership as
Good morning ill call to order this monthly of the San Francisco Transportation Authority commissioner avalos absent supervisor breed supervisor campos supervisor christensen supervisor cowen supervisor farrell supervisor kim supervisor mar supervisor tang supervisor wiener supervisor yee we have quorum okay. Please call item 2. Item 2 chairs recorded an informational item. Colleagues earlier today we healed held our annual building of the new agency i want to congratulate supervisor jane kim that will chair and supervisor christensen will serve and vice chair the project is many innovative opportunities to model new ways of doing business for Sustainable Transportation i look forward to partnering with tide and mta the various ferry operators over the coming years to make sure that Treasure Island has a very very successful Transportation Future id like to express your appreciation to bart for delivering Outstanding Services for the Golden State Warriors parade primarily figures over
Have articulated coach stops the bus stop is 75 feet long, so were designing a bus stop that is on the far side of the street that is long enough to accommodate the longest articulated coaches that run on the 29 route and is closer to a safer crossing into Golden Gate Park which will be created by the traffic signal this fall. One quick question mr. Mcguire, does this move continue to meet our stop spacing guidelines . So the spacing will get a little closer between from 34th back to 36 you know, in a situation like this, we feel that the safety benefits of locating the stop next to traffic signal do out weigh the guidelines, we try to meet those standards whenever we can in a situation like this it sort of out weighs it. To that point, are we going to be moving other bus stops to stretch it out a little more or is that not in the future plan . We do not have a plan to put another bus stop before 30th street, no, 30th avenue. Or to move them further out okay. I want to thank the commun