KINGSTON, Jamaica There are 45 Jamaicans driving around with over 500 unpaid traffic tickets likely worth millions of dollars, while 1,173 others each have between 100 and 499 outstanding tickets.
EGETON Newman, president of the Transport Operators Development Sustainable Services (TODSS), on Sunday appealed to the Government to "wake up and smell the coffee" as he warned that the public tr.
Transport workers held a protest in front of Peru’s transport ministry last week while employees of Argentina’s agricultural technology institute employees staged a walkout November 17 to demand salary increases.
MONTEGO BAY, St James Minister without portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister (West), Homer Davis, says efforts are being made to expand the Montego Bay Transport Centre as part of.
Dear Editor,
Jamaica boasts some of the fastest athletes the world has ever seen; in fact, our speed has helped Brand Jamaica become internationally recognised across the world.
Speed, however, .