welcome back. we have news just into us here on the hunt for missing malaysian air flight 370. the plane actually had four emergency locator transmitters and according to the sourt it is ord that the transmitters didn t go off or activate. so four des pratt families only add to their agony because i want to show you this. heartbroken families here on their knees praying, sobbing, pegging for answers at a prayer vigil today. they have endured 43 days offing a any. we will talk about the search here for evidence for wreckage,
they weren t. there is one on the rear door, one on the forward door, one in the cockpit and one in the fuselage. the ones in the doors appear to be part of the sort of emergency exit inflatable exit if you will that becomes an emergency life raft. so they re supposed to on contact with water, they re supposed to begin transmitting, transmitting to satellite, transmitting on other frequencies as well that could be picked up by aircraft or by ships. the satellites have a relatively good coverage of the earth. the fact that they didn t pick up any of these transmitters is perhaps for the investigators an indication here that they that the transmitters didn t go off. and that in itself according to the source i talked to is perhaps an indication, and we discussed this in some detail, perhaps an indication that the aircraft landed in a controlled way. we know that 737 landed on the hudson river in a controlled way. and therefore, when the aircraft