the ground in kabul and our services. it also reflects a tireless diplomatic effort. the steady flow of planes taking off from kabul increases our evacuation capacity. we have quickly stood up in an unprecedented global effort and established processing stations in third countries. in short, we are not flying them directly to their country, we are flying them directly to these processing stations. we are working with more than two dozen countries across four continents. we have secured agreements with the gulf. across the gulf, in central asia and in europe, including processing centres in germany, kuwait, spain and elsewhere. it allows us to sort and process these evacuees. imagine these transit centres provide a safe place for the siv applicants and other vulnerable afghanis and their families to complete their paperwork while we conduct security screenings and
2. Med shot, Feruz looking at the big bowl filled with cream
3. Wide shot, ETC s kitchen with women using a mixer and children playing around
4. Close up, hands of Mariam preparing the cream with her daughter watching
5. Close up, hands of UNHCR staff spreading the cream in the plate and girl watching
6. Close up, Mariam cutting the cake
7. Close up, hands taking the cake’s plate
8. Close up, Karim (7), Mariam oldest son tries some cream and is very excited
9. Med shot, blurred, contra-jour shot of Mariam and Muhammad
10. Close up, hands caressing her daughter s head
UNHCR Serbia Update, March 2021
3,931 newly registered persons were noted in March (comp. to 2,273 in February). Most new arrivals transit through North Macedonia, but also through Albania, Bulgaria and Montenegro. The main countries of origin of arrivals to Serbia remain Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria, with nationals of Somalia and Eritrea also in the top five main nationalities of arrivals.
Month of March saw
2,121 (5,956 in February)
pushbacks from neighbouring countries to Serbia (47% from Romania, 44% from Hungary, 5% from Croatia and 4% from Bosnia and Herzegovina). Nationals of Syria make up 50% of all the pushbacks, followed by nationals of Afghanistan, Morocco, Libya, Palestine, etc. Pushed-back persons are mainly younger men, a few women and a dozen children (mainly unaccompanied boys from Afghanistan).
UNHCR Serbia Monthly Update, December 2020
The number of
observed arrivals decreased, counting 878 (from 1,638 in November): 70% arrived from North Macedonia, 14% from Albania (through Kosovo), 8% from Montenegro and smaller numbers from Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Turkey, etc.; 60% originated from Afghanistan, 18% from Syria, 6% from Morocco, 5% from Pakistan, etc.; 75% were adult males, 4% women and 21% children, including 147 UASC (comp. to 162 in November).
In 2020, 24,250 new refugees and migrants have been observed to have arrived in Serbia.
A young man from Syria was found dead in the western town of Šid, cause of death unknown, and another man from Syria who had suffered from diabetes passed away in hospital after contracting Covid-19. These unfortunate events, including the first Covid-19 casualty, bring