X vacation of the structural steel enclosures and the ceilings he represented been 55 percent of the Transit Center. So this was also kind of seen as a critical point in the bidding of the work because weve received the bidding on the 3 larger components of that. We have two to bid but in remitting short order and beyond that scope it comprised a lot of systems and a lot of individuals packages so thats one of the reasons the Cost Reduction opportunities beyond those first 5 projects become more and more difficult because changing the quality of material or going with concrete floor instead of another floor incrementally in the big picture dont have a large impact. We do have a lot of alternatives within the package but the first 5 packages were going to trigger a lot of the costs. So thats one reason as an example the ceiling underneath the throughout the Transit Center but at the ground level were originally g f r. C. But the design team a redesigning those to reduce the costs of tha
Good afternoon, everyone, the monday, january 14, 2013 meeting of the land use committee. Our clerk is mr. Derek evans. Please make sure to silence all cell phones and electronic devices. All documents included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will be acted upon in the january 29, 2013 board of supervisors meeting unless otherwise stated. We only have two items on this agenda. Item 1 is an ordinance amending the San Francisco Business Code to permit permit expirations and extensions and to modify various fees. We have from the department of building inspection Pamela Levitt good afternoon, pamela levin, Deputy Director administrative services, department of building inspection. The legislation before you is designed it achieve the following objectives. The first is to continue to encourage the growth in the economy by extending the life for review and approval for permit applications for large projects from 360 to 720 days, clarifying the tim
Commissioners and general manager, while we were successful in restoring our coit tower, we have another building, the mothers building at the zoo. I dont know if the commissioners are aware but the official title systematical the dalia memorial building. I think it is in honor of the former commissioner this building needs to be restored. I did research. There was an effort in 88 and 89 to restore the building. The Art Commission is responsible for the murals or art work in the building and reck and park owns the building, i guess it is managed by the zoo. This is another building that has multiple jurisdictions. I would hope that we could rehabilitate the building. The first two things that need to be done in my opinion while this building is a National Landmark it is not a city landmark. I have talked to the landmarks board. They started a fire and would like to request the Zoo Committee or this commission to send alert to the Planning Department to urge this a city landmark. This w
Great inconveniences and hardships for the community residing around the project. Thank you. Its been moved and second. All in favor, opposed . It is unanimous, thank you. Item 9, Water Conservation project. Good morning commissioners. Before you is discussion and possible action to approve the memorandum of understanding between Recreational Park department and Public Commission for implementation for alamo park Water Conservation project. The p. U. C. Extends grant assistance for retrofits and encouraging large water uses to implement necessary retrofits to maximize our ability to realize real water savings through conservation measures and innovative practices. In 2011 the department partnered with the p. U. C. To develop a plan for 12 parks where the most water can be conserved. Alamo square was ranked within the top five of the consumer parks but had high potential for Water Conservation. As a result i will use the overhead here. Alamo square will be the fourth park we have been a
Just back to this question on value. So, the port land, the city is going to pay the port, are we going to pay out of the remainder of the impact fees . No. Where is that funding going to can you have from . Thats part of the conversation [speaker not understood] wants to speak about this. Thanks. If i may, pam drew from the office of economic and work force development. So, just to clarify, the purpose of the park purchase is actually a mechanism under state law. It currently is subject to the public trust and in order to remove the trust under senate bill 815, we need to provide the port with fair market value. Were confident, because the appraisal instructions require the appraiser to appraise the parcel with open space. And as a park, that the value of that appraisal will come back relatively low. The port is being very flexible, agreeing to accept payment over time and other you dont expect the payment to be much. The park builds open space on trust land already. They do. There wa