If you have long suspected that the current "transgender" thing was just a fad or a phase, your suspicions were correct, according to a transgender psychologist who herself helps young [.]
Senators voted 23-4 in favor of the bill sponsored by Republican Senator Shay Shelnutt called the Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act. The bill is now headed to the state House of Representatives, which has already approved a companion bill.
The bill, as well as the one already approved by Alabama representatives, would make it a felony for medical professionals to treat transgender minors under the age of 19 with gender-affirming care. Violators could face up to 10 years in prison or a $15,000 fine. School staff in the state would also be required to disclose to parents that “a minor’s perception of his or her gender is inconsistent with his or her sex.”
od could study the issue further? the pentagon will not say if mattis agree with the sudden trump announcement. the decision is based on the military decision, it s not meant to be anything more than that. reporter: congress they not be done weighing in on this issue. just recently the house defeated a measure that would have banned the pentagon from paying healthcare costs for transgender person. barbara star, cnn, pentagon. back to john and carolin. there is a back story here, according to the washington post this disagreement in the military pain for transgender therapy. conservator lawmakers, many of members of house and treatment cause cuss threatened to hold support from a spending bill. the threatened government spending but most importantly for trump, potentially money