democrats at this time. the whistleblower doesn t make committee rules, sir. that happened. jim jordan s weaponization of government hearing goes off the rails. his so-called fbi whistleblowers are getting paid by a trump supporter and recently had their security clearances revoked. that s just one example of how toxic the republican brand has become as speaker kevin mccarthy allows the most extreme members of his caucus to run wild. also tonight, the rapidly growing field of republican presidential candidates and the misplaced perception that any of them can take the nomination away from donald trump. i m michael steele in for joy reid, and we begin tonight with the republican party. the party of abraham lincoln, ronald reagan, the party i chaired for two years. the face of so many losses, you would think that maybe just maybe the party would take a beat and reconsider the brand. alas, the modern maga republican party looks failure in the face and says, please, sir,
bret: but breaking tonight, there are growing questions about the biden administration s policy on china. while the president talks tough, critics say president biden appears to be taking a kid glove approach in several key areas. we have fox team coverage. jennifer griffin is at the pentagon. looks at how the american military is preparing for a conflicted with beijing possibly. we begin hour with white house correspondent peter doocy on the white house s north lawn and the president s reluctance to push china too hard. that s exactly right officials are putting out the word they are not trying to beat china economically or at anything. but they are trying to make things more competitive with china by taking some pieces off the board. mr. president, welcome. peter: as mr. biden talks colombia. key to the hemisphere. peter: and climate change. we are at a moment of great peril but great opportunities. treasury secretary teasing a move to move u.s. business to