Upcoming ECRR Workshops
Instructor: Abbey Feuka
PhD Student; Colorado State University
This workshop is geared for the new user as an introductory course. Participants will be initiated to using Rstudio. Skills include loading data, basic R functions, and a primer on the R coding language. A great starting point!
Workshop 2 – Introduction to Github
June 7th, 2021 at 10:00am-12:00pm (UTC –6)
Instructor: Gergana Daskalova
PhD Student; University of Edinburgh & Coding Club Leader
Github is an online code repository. Version control (saving and organizing a history and backup of your code) helps you, your collaborators, and the larger scientific community. Participants will learn to setup their own code repositories, sync, and interact with other code repositories through Rstudio and the command line. These tools are vital for maintaining open science and collaboration.