we have it in the override close position to see if it will get better. it seems to be getting worse. it s on camera 18. camera 18, you could see the men working on the hydrogen leak. once the technicians depart, we will send hydrogen again through the system to assure that the leak has been corrected. the astronauts now coming up toward the pad itself as the crew of several technicians at the 200 foot level proceed to tighten some bolts around a leaking valve. the astronaut team, which has just arrived at the pad, the transfer van now backing up toward the elevator. in a matter of five minutes or so, we will be ready for the spacecraft commander neil armstrong to come across at the 320 foot level. that s our status at 2 hours 43 minutes 47 seconds and counting. this is launch control.
this is saturn launch control, t minus two hours 45 minutes, 55 seconds and counting. as the prime crew for apollo 11 astronauts neil armstrong, michael collin and edwin aldrin are on the terminal part of their trip to the launch pad in the transfer van. it s now making the curve toward the pad. we have discovered a problem at the launch pad itself as the crew is about to arrive. we have a leak in a valve located in a system associated with replenishing liquid hydrogen for the third stage of the saturn 5 launch vehicle. we have sent a team of three technicians and a safety man to the pad. and these technicians are now tightening bolts around the valve. go ahead. we have a leak.
we have in the override closed position to see if it ll get better. it seems to be getting worse. which camera is that on? it s on camera 18. camera 18 you can see the man working on the hydrogen leak. once the technicians depart we will send hydrogen again through the system to assure that the leak has been corrected. the astronauts now coming up toward the pad, itself, as the crew of several technicians at the 200-foot level proceed to tighten some bolts around a leaking valve. the astronaut team which has just arrived at the pad, the transfer van now backing up toward the elevator in a matter of five minutes or so, we ll be ready for the spacecraft command. and neil armstrong to come across the sill at the 320-foot level. that is our status at two hours 43 minutes 47 seconds and counting. this is launch control.
next? this is saturn launch control, t minus two hours 45 minutes, 55 seconds and counting. as the prime crew for apollo 11 astronauts neil armstrong, michael collin and i.d. win aldrin are on the terminal part of their trip to the launch pad in the transfer van. it s now making the curve toward the pad. we have discovered a problem at the launch pad itself as the crew is about to arrive. we have a leak in a valve located in a system associated with replenishing liquid hydrogen for the third stage of the saturn 5 launch vehicle.
the trip in the transfer van should take some 15 minutes or so to reach the pad at which time the astronauts will board the first of two elevators for the trip to the 320-foot level at the launch pad where they will then proceed to ingress the spacecraft. the departure from the building at about 6:27 a.m. eastern daylight time. the transfer van now departing from the spacecraft operations building at the kennedy space center on the start of its trip to launch pad where it goes through preliminary checkouts. this is launch control.