Retired deputy minister becomes bank president Chia sẻ | FaceBookTwitter Email Copy Link Copy link bài viết thành công
26/02/2021 07:00 GMT+7
VietBank’s president has unexpectedly resigned and his position has been transferred to a former government official.
VietBank s chair of the board of directors Bui Xuan Khu
VietBank has announced that Duong Ngoc Hoa resigned from the post of chair of the board of directors on February 23 and the office has been taken by Bui Xuan Khu, who was Deputy Minister of Industry Trade.
Khu became a member of the bank’s board of directors in 2011 after he retired. Later, he acted as deputy chair of the board of directors until he was appointed president of the bank.
Concerns for reform
06/01/2021 07:00 GMT+7
A strategic advisory body on reform and development is essential in the transitional economy in Vietnam.
Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung
Straight words
Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung once summoned all officials of the ministry to make a 4-hour presentation on many development issues in the country. It was an unprecedented meeting and the minister wanted to pass on his concerns to the younger officials.
He said that the national economy has increased more than 40 times compared to 1990. The material and spiritual life of the people has markedly improved. Everyone should be proud of such achievements. However, Vietnam still belongs to the group of countries with low middle income, far behind the world average. In 2019, Vietnam ranked 136th out of 188 countries, about 40 years behind Korea, 14 years behind Thailand, six yea