were completely bs, comey in late october used that dossier contrary to the law and unlawfully obtained a fisa warrant to spy on the tram transition teamed and witt a president of the united states. the top of the fisa warrant the words truth and verified are there. the dossier was neither but the fbi used to it get donald trump. comey said no reasonable prosecutor would ever prosecute but now is cheering for alvin bragg. jim comey is corrupt, petty bu bureaucrat. the current leader of the fbi doesn t seem to be better. christopher wray s fbi was in
Legătura Soarelui cu Uranus se datorează faptului că atât Mercur cât și Marte au realizat recent același unghi de 120 grade față de Uranus. Pe 30 august, Mercur intră în Balanță, caracterizată prin.