A Tralee-based engineer wants a cluster of vacant buildings adjacent to Tralee Courthouse to be transitioned into a court hub to prevent its relocation to the Island of Geese.
A Tralee-based engineer wants a cluster of vacant buildings adjacent to Tralee Courthouse to be transitioned into a court hub to prevent its relocation to the Island of Geese.
Sinn Féin Deputy Pa Daly raised the poor condition of Tralee Courthouse during a recent Dáil discussion and criticised the Courts Service for letting the historic building drift into decline.
A doctor has admitted he should have reordered blood tests on a woman who appeared to have a bleed following childbirth at University Hospital Kerry and who sub.
The daughter of a woman who died following childbirth at UHK thought it was a mistake when informed of the death.Rutendo Mukwata was speaking at the inquest tod.