change in the u.s. supreme court in half a century. that s because kennedy has often been the most influential justice casting the deciding vote. this was anthony kennedy s court because you couldn t get a major issue decided without his vote almost without exception if it was a critical hot button issue it was up to him. justice kennedy hand delivered this to the white house calling it a respectful and formal notification that he intends to retire july 31st. although ronald reagan put him on the court he s been the swing justice for 12 years since o connor retired. when kennedy voted with the four conservative justices they upheld the tral ban, allowed corporate money in politics. the court cut back on the death penalty, declared that detainees have legal rights and limited state crackdowns on immigrants. he wrote the landmark 2015
how hard was the push back in 2011 from members of congress? i don t want to speak for the democrats and i hope you have some of those ranking members there, but i know from the republican side, this wups who were there and it was not a big, classified briefing. just the chairs and top democrats of maybe five or six committees and i was chair as you pointed out of the foreign affairs committee, we were clear. we said there is no way we should be trading this soldier s life in exchange for a tral ban detainees because i think that this is a back handed attempt by the administration to eventually get to his dream, which is to close guantanamo, but just think of what a price we re paying. it s every armed forces official there, every soldier, airman, will have a price tag on his back because the taliban will know, hey, we want those guys freed from gitmo also for every soldier we get, we get five of