For more than a decade, Zach Carr’s ego swam in a pool of anger. But today, he has finally found his inner peace. His deadliest weapon in combating the monsters in his head? Muay thai.
sequestration process, jamie. jamie: what is the possible outcome that you feel is so dangerous, what s the worst case scenario? you know, soldiers will understand this. probably the most delicate, difficult thing you can maintain in the military is a training edge. if soldiers don t train, if pilots don t fly, ships don t sail every day, then they fall off, the efficiency falloff curve is very, very steep. and you go a year without training small units or flying aircraft, then all of that great experience that our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, have earned over the last ten years will literally dissipate. not in years, but in months and weeks, so if we cut training and if our soldiers begin to leave the ranks and vote with their feet and our units begin to fall pay part because the soldiers are not being trained and not allowed to exercise in the field, the