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they are considering taking operations out of los angeles. with rail being touted as a solution to the truck driver shortage it could cause serious harm. dana: kelly, thank you so much. bill, this is quite incredible. andy mccarthy wrote about it and said where are the f.b.i. and los angeles u.s. attorney on union pacific train robberies? says gascon and california state government are disastrous and that they need to do a lot more. that the biden administration has explaining to do as well. bill: i have never seen someone rob a train and walk away with a television. that happened over the weekend in this video of it, dana. dana: incredible. bill: box after box and tv after tv. it is now national news making l.a. look bad. there is that and this. six minutes past. have a listen. i know you didn t want to be political. but you have blamed some
now off the hook for it. it s so complicated but here it seems like we ve got it pretty simple. coming up, wild west style train robberies indeed as bite and supply chain crisis in homeless camps have led to a huge increase in cargo theft in los angeles. it s gotten so bad that the train union pacific line is that thinking about l.a. completely. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. riders, the lone wolves of the great highway. with 30 grams of protein. all they need is a bike and a full tank of gas. their only friend? the open road.
and i m sure you believe in doctor patient confidentiality. no, without question. and as some as a conservative republican , the way doctorow s .com has all my strong beliefs in this area, please check out i m able to articulate that and people resonate to it, which is why it s so shocking that a country like australia wouldou accept the authoritarian overreach so comfortably putting people basically com immigration quarantine prison for real reasons that are sort of dubiousre. wh ifat you look at that drug of is cage, forget about what the ladies of the view were saying. the guy s three weeks out from covid actually a bit longer. how can youer possibly covid-19 you re not helping anybody. it s just optics virtue signaling. ducros, always good to have you. thank you . when we come back , straightia ahead, california nightmare cargo train robberies up a whopping three hundred percent. major oil companies blaming l.a. soft crime d.a. plus an update on the ucla grad student was fatally
around his neck, it is out of control. los angeles is gotham city and the president of the united states goes to the conference of mayors and tells them that crime is going to be a first priority, why in the world is he having an international conference with world leaders in the city of los angeles? our governor, gavin newsom, come to los angeles yesterday in utter despair about all the train robberies and burglaries, and he never talked about brianna kupfer or the nurse at 70 years old trying to make a living. this county next door to mine is out of control and when your manhattan d.a. has the same policies as george gascon, not front and center with the governor. think about this. these, you call them progressive, i m going to beg fox news to start calling them