At least three hiking trails in Breckenridge are set to close on weekdays while a clear cutting and habitat restoration project led by county and U.S. Forest Service officials takes place. The project will focus.
Breckenridge Open Space & Trails is updating its master plan, and it’s engaging with the community for feedback through every step of the process. The master plan will summarize the current Open Space & Trails.
Summit County on Wednesday shared a survey on social media asking people for their input on how to potentially solve parking and congestion issues in the area of Quandary Peak, one of the state’s most popular 14,000-foot mountains.
In the survey, the county describes the Quandary Peak area as including the trailheads and trails to Quandary Peak, McCullough Gulch and Blue Lakes.
The survey says the McCullough Gulch and Blue Lakes trailheads areas that have smaller parking lots than the main Quandary Peak trailhead have seen increases in visitor use over time, though it’s less visitation than Quandary.