Hike / Trail Run. All Terrain Shoes. Black Colorway. Engineered to take you from rough trails to city streets, this high-performance running shoe sports traction and cushioning for long-distance comfort. Gore-Tex
Grippy and cushioned, the HOKA Speedgoat 5 is a fast trailblazer! This off-road workhorse features the same stack height and rocker shape as its predecessor, now in a lighter and more durable package. Stay protected
VGFrZSBvbiB0b3VnaCB0cmFpbHMgd2l0aCBndXN0byBpbiB0aGUgU2Fsb21vbiBYQSBQcm8gM0QgdHJhaWwtcnVubmluZyBzaG9lcy4gRm9yIHRoaXMgZWRpdGlvbiwgU2Fsb21vbiBkb2xlZCBvdXQgZXZlbiBtb3JlIGNvbWZvcnQsIHN0YWJpbGl0eSBhbmQgdHJhY3Rpb24u Take on