Land Art: investigating humanity’s relationship to nature
The 1960s movement popularized taking art outside of the museum
Upon first glance, Richard Long’s
A Line Made by Walking (1967) appears to be a simple monochrome photograph of a grassy field with trees in the distance. The photo, however, only serves as a form of documentation of the artwork itself, which is Long’s interaction with the terrain. This avant-garde form of artmaking is classified as Land Art.
Also known as Earth art, Land Art is created
with the surrounding landscape, often taking the form of a performance, sculpture, or installation, and serving just as great of a political purpose as one driven by aesthetic.
then it hit me. it won t be long before our 13-year-olds are looking for jobs themselves. and they won t care about any of this stuff if they can t find work. that shenandoah park we were marking, fences and trail markers made by the last time the nation wrestled with such high pro-longed unemployment. will our kids face that? i m a fan of what the labor union accomplished but aware from my experience in business they can be their own worst enemy sometimes. the kids comments yesterday reflected this economy. maybe labor leaders should talk a little less about wages and pensions and the right to organization and talk a little more about creating jobs for everybody. focus on employment. growing our economy through higher personal incomes. talk a little bit more about safety on our roads and in our skies. labor has a good story to tell. a lot better than the cash cuts