we had to pass health care reform just to get it eight months later. that s next. but first get out your pitchforks and torches. time for tonight s worst persons in the world. the bronze to traffic markings, a contracting company on the loose near gilford, north carolina. first it was the yield signs in nevada that were misspelled yeild. now this. you re approaching a shcool. actually, it s slightly better than the one in miami last year that referred to a scohol. see what happens when you privatize matters of vital public interest? actually, it turns out that a detour sign in gilford was also misspelled. giliford. that was painted by the state department of transportation. the runner-up, bill o, unhappy that out promoting jason bateman s new film bay woman turning to artificial insemination and raising a child on her own called the switch jennifer aniston said oh, it s jennifer aniston s new film? i m sorry. anyway, she said women are realizing it more and more knowing th