but this is a lot worse. we have suffered a desis he creation of our democracy, not seen since watergate. jesse: but the new watergate was nothing. trump never colluded with russia. it was all a big hillary lie to distract from her email scandal and give her an excuse for losing. you can run the best campaign. you can even become the nominee and you can have the election stolen from you. jesse: in a way, obama gate was bigger than watergate. the fbi and the cia ran a hoax against voters to affect our election. but, when trump won anyway, they used the hoax as a coup, the whole obama administration tried to frame an american president as a russian traitor. these spies lied to you over and over and over again. this is nothing short of treasonous because it is a betrayal of the nation. he is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. is there influence whether witting ore russians over president trump? whether the current president of the united states with prostitutes p
to go down. we have a lot more work to do. jesse: biden says the border numbers are coming down yeah, because he broke the all-time american record for border crossers. he did the same thing with inflation. did the same thing with gas prices. yeah, it was $5 but now it s 4.35, you re welcome. and you know things are bad when it s affecting me. not only did i have major traffic drama. i was stuck behind a bus full of illegals 30 minutes the other day in midtown. regular americans are getting kicked out of hotels so migrants can day there instead. deanna and gary are getting married. and the wedding party and guests are stay at a hotel in newburgh, new york not anymore. eric adams bus biden migrants to the hotel in newburgh and they kicked out the entire wedding party. deanna and gary join me now. first of all, congratulations, you are guys. but, second of all. thank you. did eric adams the mayor