Platforms restricted customers ability from buying more stock and selling stocks. Many everyday investors now aree bowing to hold the line and keep sending the message to the hedge funds of wall street and those they see us trying to rig the system. And coming up, we will have a lot of reaction, get analysis, lou dobbs, dan bongino tonight, but first, its after 9 00 p. M. And our nations capital, and that probably means thatt joe biden is likely fast asleep. Its been an exhausting few days for joe. He signed a record 40 Executive Orders and actions into law after just nine days in office. In d other words, he has tripled thee amount of Executive Orders signed by trump, obama, and bush combined at this point in their presidencies. Now, instead of the unity that was promised, joe is literally acting unilaterally to enact every aspect of his radical socialist agenda, and he is doing it all with the stroke of a pen, and its consequences are severe. It is so bad, even the New York Times Edi