The Swedish Club has just launched a brand new version of its hugely popular Swedish Club OnLine portal. SCOL has been a valuable resource for members, brokers and other stakeholders for many years, providing information on insurance status, claims and benchmarking. However, with technology constantly improving, the Club has been keen to harness these new .
The Swedish Club: New Bunker Alerts for Next Generation Loss Prevention
A new release of The Swedish Club’s Trade Enabling Loss Prevention tool (TELP), the next generation of loss prevention, has just been launched to Club members.
In addition to real time personalised loss prevention advice, tailored to their location, and voyage profile TELP 2.0 now provides members with targeted Bunker Alerts, warning vessels headed for port of any fuel quality issues that have been reported in the area.
The Swedish Club has partnered with industry leaders, VPS, the largest bunker fuel testing company for ship operators in the world, to provide this new service, which is free of charge to members of The Swedish Club.
Swedish Club Supplies Members With Targeted VPS Bunker Alerts
by Ship & Bunker News Team
Friday May 7, 2021 Insurance association the
Swedish Club is now using data from testing firm
VPS to provide its members with alerts on potential fuel-quality problems based on their ships locations. The company has updated its
Trade Enabling Loss Prevention (TELP) tool to include the data, it said in an emailed statement on Tuesday. The new system will provide members with bunker alerts from VPS for any ports near their ships where fuel-quality problems have been detected. A vessel heading for a port known to have fuel quality concerns needs to be extra vigilant,