Ferris State University faculty members and advocates are working to expand the message and mission of the Ferris Museum of Sexist Objects by nurturing discussion in the region and beyond.
MoSO co-founder and History professor Tracy N. Busch said the museum’s emphasis is more on telling stories than focusing on its objects.
“We have gathered responses from those who are struck by items they viewed in our collection, as we believe these messages can be valuable and encouraging to people of all ages,” Busch said. “We feel the MoSO is more of a movement than a museum, so we want to take our objects and message out into the community.”
A “Mini-MoSO” was curated as Busch consulted with Carrie Weis in Ferris State’s Fine Art Gallery, and the MoSO Storytelling Community had its beginning in Fall 2022. Busch said a student storytelling pilot project brought a significant response.
“They followed our vision, which encouraged us t