may have but a special fiber optic cable directlyto the overnment so can access that infortion. tracy, everyone s focusing on the nsa. what about private companies? yeah. you know why? it s all about transparency. i get theeed to gather intelligence and keep this country safe. but we should know what s happening. to do this behind our back is so untrustworthy. i have verizon and i m really pisd off about it. i have veriz also. senator rand paul is looking at a lawsuit, suing thegoernment and/or verizon for turning over its records. tracy, do you have a theory about area 51, too? maybe you wan to opine on the second gunmantheory? come on. you re not alex jones crazy just ye but these conspiracy theories you re getting close, by the way. the conspiracy theoriesabout business selling out private indivuals you know what? do not first call me names on a saturday morning. i m so beyond that right now. and jonathan, you so-called libertarian you so-called libertian, ju
may have built a special fiber opic cable directly to the government so it can access that information. acy, everyone s focusing on the nsa. hat about private companies? yeah. you know why? it s all about transparency. i get the need to gather intelligence and keep this country safe. but we should know what s happening. do this behind our back is so untrustworthy. i have verizon and i m rally pissed off about it. i ve verizon also. senator rand paul is looking at a lawsuit, suing the government and/or verizon for turning over it records. tracy, do you have a theory about area 51, too? maybe you want to opine on the second gunman theory? come on. you re n alex jones czy jst yet, but theseconspiracy theories you re getting close, by the way. these conspiracy theories about business selling out private individuals u know what? do n first call me names on a saturda morning. i m so beyond that right now. and jonathan, you so-called libertarian you s-called libertarn,
0 verizon. the government and verizon are hand and glove. the government and ge are hand and glove. it s going to control 60% of the banking. everybody is too big. and that s what s wrong. we have essentially a fascist economy. go ahead, jonathan. verizon s done nothing. you re all dumping on verizon. they ve done absolutely nothing. and wayne, you want a small phone company? great. put two tin cans together. a schmoll phone company will not be able to serve anyone. oh, please, give me a break. you don t know what the hell you re talking about. you re shooting your mouth off about something you do not know. hold on. hold on. tracy, jonathan says verizon has done nothing. as far as i understand this blows my mind. this is so not jonathan. what did you have in your cheerios this morning, jonathan? this is so not you! come on, now! this is snooping. this is the kind of stuff that people like you are supposed to hate. if you want to gather money to do it. i didn t say that.