A reader recounts his tale of being referred for fake medicine at a VA facility. Unfortunately, the VA seems to be papering over its lack of resources in the same way that Chairman Mao did in the 1950s, by "integrating" fake medicine with real medicine.
Donations sought for deployed troopsATHOL The Athol American Legion, E H Phillips Post 102 is looking for donations to send to the troops. Andy Anderson of Athol is presently deployed. Items needed include soap, shampoo and conditioner, toothpaste,.
Orange Senior Citizens Club meeting Thursday ORANGE The Orange Senior Citizens Club is set to meet, weather permitting, at the Orange Senior Center at 1 p.m. on Thursday.This is a regular monthly business meeting. All members are invited to attend,.
Orange Senior Citizens Club meeting Thursday ORANGE The Orange Senior Citizens Club is set to meet, weather permitting, at the Orange Senior Center at 1 p.m. on Thursday.This is a regular monthly business meeting. All members are invited to attend,.