A mentor to many. She is an awardwinning filmmaker. Cofounder of the Media Arts Center and producer of many media works and publications at the museum. Her body of work reflect of both the quality and excellence. I have the Incredible Opportunity of working with karen on many projects. None more important than americas concentration camp exhibition. Karens focus was to empower the individual voices that were unknown up to that time. One of her most remarkable skills through the process was just to listen. She listened carefully, compassionately and with the critical mindset to understand better the experiences of these former inmates. She worked diligently with our designers to provide a powerful platform for these voices to be heard missing their stores accessible, compelling, and relevant to a multigeneral a multigenerational audience. Enter second the present, in the future. In typical fashion in typical ja fashion, karen is quick to deflect credit and pass it on to those who worked
Has the league curator on the project karens focus was to , empower the individual voices that were unknown up to that time. One of her most remarkable skills through the process was just to listen. She listened carefully, compassionately and with the critical mindset to understand better the experiences of these former inmates. She worked diligently with our exhibition designers to provide a powerful platform for these voices to be heard missing their making their stories accessible, compelling, and relevant to a multigenerational audience. Intersecting the past, the present and the future. In typical fashion, in typical ja fashion, karen is quick to deflect credit and pass it on to those who worked with her. But the truth is as a leader her , methodology of engagement was inspirational for all of us. Watching her interact with so many individuals who endured the camp experience she illustrated , a Compassionate Care for them and their stories. As a result everyone on that team wanted
ACCOMACK COUNTY, Va. Neighbors say Saxis Road is treated like a dragstrip and it needs to stop. Accomack County is looking for answers, but county leaders said a solution