Filling a gap the CDC and FDA refuse to fill, a group of prominent research scientists conducted a risk-benefit analysis of the COVID-19 vaccine boosters for young adults in light of the continuation of mandates at universities and colleges across the nation.
New research finds high post-vaccination hospitalization rate in kids under 5, heart inflammation rates in 12-15 that far exceed their peak COVID hospitalization rate.
Christian churches tend the bust out the HE IS RISEN banner on Easter Sunday, and here’s a version of the central declaration of faith from another religion, the Church of Scientism: (Article [.]
.or, at a minimum, they shouldn t be boosted. I am not an anti-vaxxer, although my mind has been opened by recent events. But for now, let s stay with the case at hand: covid 19 vaccines and boosters, which millions of young people are being required to take, whether they like it or not. College students can t enroll without getting shots, soldiers are kicked out of the Army if they don t