and we start this friday night with a fox news alert. the u.s.with a supreme courtupre will decide whether donald trump can be kep c t off the 2024 ballot in colorado. with arguments starting on february the eighth, again, the supreme court, they have no.w to consider what is a very important appeal and constitutional issue, and that is whether or not president trump s name will remain on the ballot until. they render a decision. now, also tonight, a big update from the biden familonight apdas s hunter may soon be held in contempt of congresoos. tha we have an update on that. also, the one and only dr. cornel west will join us with m more of his defense, whichor i think is indefensible. the former harvard president igt ahead, did he shoot out tonight? but tonight, we begin in valley. forge in pennsylvania. nearly 250 years ago, during a bitterly cold and wet winter . george washington stationed the continental army on this rural plateau just outside of philadelphiuralu just o
even better year for arkansas than 2023. you know, it reallylicated. that complicated, though, if you keep it to the basics, if you keep taxeso th low, if you eliminate burdensome regulation, if low eli you know. you have good schools, you have la have w and order you embracep of simple things, it seemsle lie that is attracting a lot of people. this is now a real phenomeno n. oning people are abandoning these blue states in droves. they re movingbln droves to stae yours in droves. and i don t see it stopping anytime soon. it s a very divided country. how does this enw doesd up, in r view? i think states like arkansas, in other red states acrossrkansasred stat country c to excel and do well. i think thisl and do very well r the election coming upin in novembe nr. i think president trump is on track. track.h a greathappen contrast to what is happening in blue states led by democratin governors.