the heart. there s a certain amount of corporate and business interest that says to these people, these office holders in those states, come on, let s be reasonable about this, this is the reality of our economic environment here. well, look, yeah. in this case, perry is talking about paying instate tuition to texas colleges. so the great freedom here is the freedom to pay tuition. now granted these are actually quite reasonable tuitions given the quality of public school education in texas at least as of now before all of the perry education cuts start hitting these campuses in the wake of sort of what we re expected to see in his draconian cuts in education. up to this point it really is about making sure those tuition dollars come in and any university system right now will tell you that getting tuition paying units, which is what students are these days, tpus, is highly valuable. pushing them out because their parents came here without documentation is just bad business.
invention, and that warren buffett and fair amount of folk are not talking about the fight between the rich and the poor and little bit more in taxes and little bit different in spending and it is vastly overblown given what we are talking about. well a couple of things are going on that should not classify this as class warfare, because we ask about the tax paying units, the tpus are households and families, and when we talk about the super rich we are not just talking about individuals, but the corporate tax rates and the collectives and institutions who are not paying money into the system despite the fact that we, as a collective, bail them out or who aren t for example when they are brought into local tis in ord to create jobs they are give sewn many tax incentives they are not creating into the communities aie communities, and so rich against poor households is not the case. we have a strongb tax identity