MONTEGO BAY, St James - A man found himself before the St James Parish Court on Wednesday for allegedly accepting $1.7 million to purchase a vehicle but failing to fulfil his end of the deal.
Albert Ferguson/Gleaner Writer WESTERN BUREAU: DELROY RODNEY, a 47-year-old deacon in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Westmoreland and the man behind the wheel of a taxi involved in Monday’s motor vehicle collision in Bluefields that claimed.
WESTERN BUREAU: Owen Plummer spent much of Tuesday reflecting on the life of his mother, 54-year-old Janet Thompson, and the sudden and devastating shattering of their physical and spiritual bond, a day after she and four other people perished in a.
The prosecution is to respond next week to a bail application made today in the case of Delroy Rodney, a taxi operator who is charged with causing the deaths of five people in a vehicular crash on Monday in Westmoreland. Rodney, who.
WESTMORELAND, Jamaica Two children and their mothers were among five people killed in a crash on the Bluefields main road in Westmoreland on Monday afternoon.
The identities of the deceased were not.