21 January 2021, 11:01 pm EST By Ryan Haywood Banned from Twitch After Attempting Comeback: Rooster Teeth Disgraced Star Removed for Predatory Allegations ( Screenshot From Prison Mate Luke YouTube )
Twitch has officially banned the account of a certain former Rooster Teeth personality known as Ryan Haywood. This was months after he was let go by the company in the light of certain predatory allegations.
What happened with Ryan from Achievement Hunter?
According to the story by Dexerto, the disgraced Achievement Hunter will now no longer be able to keep interacting along with the gaming community through the use of Twitch. Haywood s own personal account that goes by the name of SortaMaliciousGaming has now been permanently banned from the streaming platform.
20 January 2021, 2:28 am EST By American Locked in Italian Prison After Elon Musk s Not a Flamethrower was Found: Lawyer Clarifies Not a Weapon of War but a Toy Sold to Children ( Screenshot From Unbox Therapy Official YouTube Channel )
After being locked up in a particular Italian prison for about two days, the American Max Craddock was finally able to successfully make his case to a judge. His lawyer clarified to the investigating magistrate that the flamethrower was not a weapon of war but rather a particular toy that is sold to children.
Elon Musk Flamethrower
The original scoop was first reported by La Nuova then was translated and reported by TechCrunch. Craddock had reportedly been arrested over in the Sardinian port city of Olbia back in June 2018 after Craddock had tried to board a certain private party bus along with a collectible