states government in exchange for millions of dollars for themselves. change for crim a crime. itas aware of it when it happened and joe bidenit profited from it direcedt. ge it was a strong charge to make.y bertoni bob alinsky ha bdd th the document, the emailsmessaget and the text messages to prove that it happened. wehappen. we considered it a hue story and we spent an hour on it in october. oof twenty . cons still consider it a huge storylo in all of that time.ime no other no other major news organization in this countryllow has bothered to follow the new york times neveriewed interviewed tonyto belinski as part of aen investigation into the biden family business deal thes, which is strange bece he was a partner with the bidenb family. but theniden neither has the washington post . neither have the other television networks. they v. e ignored it. se the fbi, whose job it is to enforce federat l law, did take a lengthy statement from tonyfrn during and during that c
and the next morning there waswt a big debate, too. i voluntarily walk into the fbi or do i go sit down with senator johnson and senator grassley ? s be my my lawyers decided it was better that i voluntarily go inv to sitid and provide these fact. and so in the morning of october, twenty third the morning after the debate, i spenthe mornt five plus hoursg in a room with at one point, i think, as much as six federal agents walking through all the facts of my knowledge of the biden family.e how i got involved in this.volvd yo iu know, the trips around the worle d, cfc chairman and stuff like that at the end of that meeting. meeting and remember, i voluntarily went there. so, volunta they were happy toy information i provided to them. i wish i had pictures of the two the faces of the two main agents that were interviewing me m because i would say something and you could justst se see te the shock in their fae and they would say, hey, let ste take a them in.
russians. flynn having dinner with vladimir putin. give me a break. the russofhiles. they weren t going to beat hillary, last may or june. she has it made, of course. then they hear somebody in russia has tinker toy information that might turn the tide against hillary. wouldn t you know about it if it came up at the table? wouldn t you never forget it if it came up at the table you are sitting at? we saw him sitting there with the candidate. he brings up russia, he goes, that s something i won t forget. they got her e-mails or whatever. all they want is somebody to come over and pick up the junk. come get it. that s all they want. you wouldn t remember that conversation? well, of course you would remember it! of course you would pass it on. if we know one thing about donald trump s campaign, i mean, it was good enough that they figured out how to win, but it was small enough that they certainly all knew each other. so this idea that he was some