New Tree Ordinance Imposes More Rules For Bernards Township Residents - Basking Ridge, NJ - The amended ordinance calls for the requirement of permits to remove most trees and for residents to replace tree plantings or pay a fee.
LONG HILL TWP. – In response to the rising popularity and prevalence of food trucks in Long Hill, township officials have drafted a game plan to regulate the mobile food
LONG HILL TWP. – Department of Public Works (DPW) spent just under 700 man hours this year alone to take down 87 trees, according to township officials.
LONG HILL TWP. – For more than a year, Gillette resident Tom Grosskopf of Milton Avenue has been warning the Township Committee about the looming threat of dead trees precariously
LONG HILL TWP. - Vacating five paper streets in the township is being considered by the Township Committee, meaning the municipality would transfer the right-of-way to the abutting property owners.