LITTLETON — Artist Zach Johnsen, who owns the Baba Yaga gallery on Main Street, said he is worried what might happen to Littleton’s vibrant pro-art, live-and-let-live vibe if selectmen ban
On Tuesday, June 13, Union voters will have the opportunity to show their support for regulating and controlling industrial metallic mining in our residential town. Ballots will be available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the William L. Pullen Municipal.
Waldo voters approved a nearly 200% increase in funds to be raised through taxation at their town meeting April 8, but declined to secure a bond to fund needed road
Major contributors to the $110,000 increase in spending were additional town staffing, raises and insurance benefit costs; costs of road repair and paving materials; and mapping expenses for Searsmont’s eight