Saar-Landesregierung ruft Studierende zu Corona-Impfung auf
Statement von Tobias Hans
Sa., 10. Juli 2021, 07:30 Uhr
Seitens der
Tobias Hans (CDU) hoffe, dass die Hochschulen angesichts gesunkener Inzidenz- und
steigender Impfzahlen mit dem kommenden Wintersemester wieder zu einem normaleren Lehr- und Lernbetrieb sowie Campusleben zurückkehren können .
Hans wies darauf hin, dass sich
alle Saarländer:innen seit Freitag (9. Juli 2021) auf dem
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Diablo 2, no matter how many times I’ve tried.
I was hoping 2: Resurrected would be the final push I needed to revisit the history of one of my favorite series. After hours of struggling through the same keyboard and mouse controls I’ve used before, I made a desperate swap to test the new controller functionality.
That’s when
Diablo 3, using a controller is tricking my brain into believing that Diablo 2 is more modern than it actually is.
Retreading old ground
Image: Blizzard Entertainment
Instead of having multiple skills bound to keys like 1-4 like
World of Warcraft or
League of Legends,
Come for the HD textures, stay for the modernised stash and UI
I don’t know what I expect to happen when I try to combine Wirt’s Leg and a Tome of Town Portal in the Horadric Cube, but I could vaguely remember this spawning a portal to Diablo 2’s not-so-secret cow level in the original. I was hoping for bipedal bovines swinging halberds in glorious high-def, but it turns out I need to defeat the final boss to make it to Moo Moo Farm. To say that not being able to see the cows was my only
real disappointment with the alpha is a testament to how well this remaster is shaping up.