Dear property owners and residents: On or before May 1, you should be receiving a Notice of Valuation from our office. As in the past it will be in a postcard format. If you do not receive a Notice, please contact our office. Starting May 1, appointments can be made by phone or in person
Colorado River District shares data at State of the River event RBC | The White River State of the River meeting was held on April 5 in Rangely, presented by the Colorado River District. The meeting was well attended by the public with every seat filled. Lindsay DeFrates, media specialist for the Colorado River District,
RANGELY | Rangely trustees met March 14 and 28 in regular meetings. Business conducted at those meetings is as follows: Trustees approved an application for a Colorado Tourism Office grant in the amount of $3,000 for social media; the Town’s match for this is $2,000. The board also approved the 2022 audit by ColoCPA Services,
The Colorado River Water Conservation District board of directors approved a request to partially fund the permitting costs for a dam and reservoir project in northwest Colorado.
The Colorado River Water Conservation District board of directors approved a request to partially fund the permitting costs for a dam and reservoir project in northwest Colorado.