West Main re-imagining beginning to come into focus- A line of people waited outside the door of Cheshire digital marketing firm Rebel Interactive on the evening of Oct. 16.Though arguably less exciting than, say, a Taylor Swift concert, what attracted so many Cheshire residents out of their homes on a.
Veterans push Council to change flag-flying policy- A group of veterans and other advocates assembled outside of Cheshire’s Town Hall on the evening of Oct. 10 in renewed protest over the Town s flag-flying policy.The group also included those who had asked for an exception to include the “Pride flag.
Cheshire planning to leave Chesprocott Health District- After 47 years, the Town of Cheshire is seeking to end its partnership with Chesprocott Regional Health District and join a newly-branded organization, the South Central Health District.The new entity is based in Southington and includes Plainville..